Although it has awesome freedom of movement, intense combat, and a pretty good storyline, PS3’s release of Infamous left me feeling unsure on how well I like the game…

Gamette Mina Rose by Image K.
The choice between good and evil is in your hands, and having such powerful moral choices is one of the reasons I had to check this game out. The glitches in it took me back to Assassin’s Creed (PS3, not the 360 version). The graphics are also inferior to a lot of next gen sandbox games. I do however think the storyline keeps enough interest that it’s not something to immediately trade into Gamestop before finishing it. The buggy visuals and gameplay glitches can’t quite live up to the excellent action, but it is terribly annoying.
It’s engrossing story with a variety of interesting characters definitely makes Infamous a game that I would definitely recommend renting, however I wouldn’t go purchase a new copy.
I give this game a BusyGamer Rating 3 out of 5. The fast pace gameplay makes up for the serious glitches, but not enough that I’m going crazy about it.
Posted By Mina Rose
Tags: Busy Gamer Gamettes, Infamous, PS3