Posts Tagged ‘Blank Logo Photography’

Twas the night after All Hallow’s Eve…

Monday, November 2nd, 2009

Just when you thought Halloween was over and you could put your fears of an impending zombie attack to rest, the gang here at Busy Gamer gives you Jessica V., our latest Gamette, and a photo recap of her rooftop adventures.

Fortunately, Jessica was ready for the zombies and prevailed against the odds to make sure the rest of us could eat our candy stolen from unsuspecting Trick or Treaters in peace… At least, that’s how the Reckon Crew got their candy.  Maybe the rest of you got it another way.

One girl, some guns, and a bunch of zombie butt-kicking goodness along with the photos and questions to make it official, Jessica shows how to slay in style as a Busy Gamer Gamette.

Jessica V. locks and loads to fight off a zombie horde...

Jessica V. locks and loads to fight off a zombie horde...

What is your favorite guilty geeky pleasure?
My fav geeky guilty pleasure? I don’t think I feel guilty about any of my geeky pleasures!

What is your favorite game?
Oh there are so many! The God of War series, Resident Evil 4, Double Dragon. I guess if I had to pick one game to play forever though, it would be Final Fantasy VII. That game has every game and element in it already. RPG, racing, snowboarding, RTS water, outer space, a wild storyline and so much more!

See more from Jessica’s shoot and interview here.

2009 Just Got Bright’er at

Thursday, January 8th, 2009

Coin-Op Tv's Hailey Bright
How many people can you say you know that were “discovered” while they were out shopping? None? Well, it was the same for us until we met Hailey Bright.

The lovely co-host for the weekly streaming show “Coin-Op TV“, Hailey is bound to pop up on your geek radar sooner or later. Whether it’s on the red carpet at the Spike TV Video Game Awards, on video game box art, or in a few upcoming movies, she’s hard to miss. Hailey was recently selected as’s Babe of the Day(we picked her as a Gamette for a whole month, take that IGN!!) and will be at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show.

While we can’t say we were the first ones to discover Hailey, we can say we have some very well shot, very exclusive photos of Hailey (courtesy of Blank Logo Photography).  If you haven’t caught a glimpse of this beauty, we recommend checking out her Gamette Gallery here.
Coin-Op Tv's Hailey Bright
And should you be so inclined, you can check out more of the beautiful Hailey at  You can also chat with her live on Thursday nights 10pm CST when she co-hosts Coin-Op TV (found at where she takes live questions for the guests.  Not only do you get a dose of Hailey but you get to watch some good geeky Webivision. 

So when people ask you if you know someone who actually did get discovered while shopping, you can tell them we introduced you to someone that Bright’end our day.

Stay tuned for more new and goregous Busy Gamer Gamettes this year at

Gritskrieg – End of Line
