Posts Tagged ‘Comic Conventions’

The Dangerzone: It’s not me it’s you

Thursday, February 24th, 2011

Sorry ladies, you won't wrangle Star Wars away from us!

Recently I came across this article through one of my facebook friends…

It’s basically about this book this chick wrote saying that most men live in “pre-adulthood” in their twenties, not really settling down, with their love of “Star Wars” and childish mannerisms… leaving many single women to wonder where all “the good men” have gone.

I guess what surprises me the most is the writer’s claim that since most young adult males have found “distractions” for growing up like video games and nights out with the boys… we aren’t in a hurry to grow up, and that since we aren’t “growing up” we aren’t the “best parts” of manhood.


Unlike the writer in this article… I won’t belittle you dear readers by generalizing one gender over another. I can only speak for myself and my friends. But since I’m commited to this, let me attack this thing in numbered “points”

1. Don’t talk trash about Star Wars (the article did it twice) It isn’t a movie for kids, it’s a movie for everyone, and it changed movie making and imagination for generations of kids to come. It’s a tale of good versus evil and is enjoyed by creators, writers, and cool people all over the world… I’m sorry if your unsatisfied ovaries can’t handle that nugget, but I know plenty of gals who also love the holy trilogy and well… that’s rude lady.

2. She states “a guy’s idea of a perfect night is a hang around the PlayStation with his bandmates, or a trip to Vegas with his college friends….” Yeah no kidding… It’s called balancing life out hon… He can’t be with you 24/7 we call that crazytown. And the guy only wants to live in Crazytown if he has to. (That’s about the time you pressure him for marriage) Truth is… you drag him to places he doesn’t want to go.. you make him wear that sweater, and he does it for you because well… you’re pretty, you cook better, and you’re pretty. But he can’t be with you all the time. He has these pesky things called friends, and see men as a whole usually keep their friends from childood (studies show more women change out friends after puberty, go figure) Truth is… wouldn’t you like to go to vegas with your friends and leave the sheltered life ? Yeah. we thought so double standard.

3. Hollywood started this. They made Slacker movies.. this is true. But if its one thing we learned from movies… it’s not real and an exaggerated view on life. Yes “40 year old virgin” was funny, but truthfully their wasn’t one cool geeky nerd in the audience who didn’t secretly want that collection of action figures. “Knocked up” featured a bumbling “hero” who stumbled through the movie… but honestly… it doesn’t just end with single dudes. They make our dads look stupid too… look at Homer Simpson, Peter Griffin, and even Al Bundy… Hollywood seems big on making all men look stupid. We put up with it. Why? Because it’s the norm. Maybe… but let’s not blame this on young single people, Homer has been married for over 20 years now.

4. I find it hilarious that the writer makes the claim that with women’s rise to success… we have deteriorated. Here’s a news flash… America is becoming dumber in public schools with standardized testing. More people get their love advice from Cosmo than from a trusted advisor, and most people can’t even tell you who the vice president is… It’s a societal problem honeybunch… Men have just gotten stupider with everyone else.

5. I also find it funny how in the video of this article, the writer says that men do play a role… “financial”.

Look man.. here’s the rub. Who is to say that marriage, kids, and a career is everything? I don’t. And while I’m certain that may not qualify myself to score Ms. Ivy League I’m ok with that. Truth is… I will spend time playing video games with my band, I will go on trips with my boys (comic conventions mostly) and we will have a blast. I will also spend time with my lady, and if she is the right kind of lady whe will want to adventure with me. The thing is, I don’t see why being complacent is the “right thing to do.” I don’t want a boring job. Dear God no. I like my Star Wars stuff. I like reading comic books, it’s an escape. I love video games. I don’t see why “manning up” means being boring.

To be fair… I also like girls who like the same thing…

And maybe that’s their problem. Maybe instead of looking for us in bars, concerts, parties (you know fun places you like to go to) Maybe you should find the person you’re looking for where he will be found. Like Conservative singles websites or volunteer centers… Cause you sure as hell won’t find people like us there. But let’s be honest.. most girls (Cosmo told us) are looking to hook up with Mr. Bad Guy anyway.. So why are people surprised when he doesn’t change.

“Women marry men hoping they will change. Men marry women hoping they wont.”

Wizard World Austin – Nerds in masses.

Monday, November 15th, 2010

Billy Dee Williams - Wizard World Austin

For those of you not in the know, Austin Texas was invaded this weekend by the largest assortment of nerds, cos-players, science fiction enthusiasts, and comic geeks at this year’s Wizard World Austin Comic Con. The convention was held at Austin’s Convention Center downtown and spanned over 3 days with plenty of ‘nerd-dom’ to spread around, and then some.

Wizard World Austin consisted of tv/film celebrities appearances such as Lee Majors, Ernie Hudson, Adam West, Burt Ward, Lindsey Wagner, Ray Park, Billy Dee Williams, Lou Ferrigno, Gil Gerard, Walter Koenig, WWE’s Kevin Nash and Torrie Wilson, not to mention comic artists James O’Barr, Arthur Suydam and Matthew Sturges – and I reiterate this is only a few from those three categories. It was a lot to take in over the weekend for us fanboys and fangirls (see a complete list here).

Being a major fanboy myself, I find these events mind boggling with so much going on that I literally have to make a written list of things I want to see, attend, ogle over, and of course spend money on. As our weekend team took some time to split up and see the con and wander at our own place, my first observation was that the Austin Con Center was very adequate for this event. With all the attendance, I didn’t have to wade through people to get to see who I wanted to see. The celebrity lines went fast, and were not too long of a wait at all. Most strikingly was the reception of the fans by the guests. Every celeb I spoke to were very easily approachable which can be nerve racking at times. You never want your favorite stars reputation to be blemished by rude behavior toward its audience, who are ultimately the ones who are paying for it (yeah that would be you). The range of prices for personalized autographed photos were $20-$40, not including any photos that you wanted to take.

Back off man, I'm a scientist!

My highlight of the weekend was getting to speak informally with Luciana Carro aka ‘Kat’ from SyFy’s Battlestar Galactica series. After totally geeking out with her about the TV series and obtaining my autographed photo I proceeded to try and ‘over nerd’ myself and remove from my backpack a copy of the new paperback The Science of Battlestar Galactica by Kevin Grazer / Patrick Di Justo (a technical manual written about the series by one of its NASA consultants). Amazingly since the book is very new, she had not received her copy and was delighted to peruse it there with me. Yes with me! When you get to sit and talk sci fi technology with a member of the cast, one on one, in real time, and hear their experiences on the set, stuff that you would only read about – that’s the reason enthusiasts like us storm these cons, (well me anyhow). Luciana was super polite, signed my book, I went on my way with another con experience up there on my list, as again knowing affirmatively, ‘why we do what we do, and why we love doing it’.

We closed out the evening with a Q&A panel lead by Ghostbuster’s Ernie Hudson, followed by a quiet intimate showing of the Ghostbusters movie where we sat alongside several of the members of Texas’ Ghostbuster cosplay fan clubs as they quoted lines along with the film – ‘Aim for the flattop!’.

Overall, Austin provided a great welcoming for the Wizard World show, and we were happy to be able to attend. And magnificent props to those of you who were able to get some photos with our Gamettes Taffeta Darling and Deathwish Dena (pictured above), they did a fantastic job representing with us, and of course it just is never the same doing cons without them! So until the nerds gather in the masses again…

Crutchboy – Out.

Photos by Dave Martindale /, click below to see more pics of Wizard World Austin!


Wizard World Texas returns! Austin lookout!

Thursday, January 7th, 2010

(Press Release, NY) – Gareb Shamus, CEO of New York based Wizard Entertainment, yesterday announced the launch of Austin Comic Con 2010 Wizard World Convention, to be held at the Austin Convention Center from November 12-14, 2010.

Fans have been asking for this event for some time. In an e-mail to Shamus, Larry Nickels Jr. wrote, “There are many people that I know of personally who would love to attend the convention if it is returned to our great state.???

Another fan, Matthew Adamic put it more succinctly with, “Bring back Wizard World Texas.???

“The fans have spoken and they want us back in Texas. We previously had a great experience here and are thrilled to be back,??? said Shamus. “It’s a great city with a top-notch convention center and we’re really looking forward to seeing our fans at the type of pop-culture festival only we can bring.”

Austin is now the seventh city in the Wizard World Comic Con tour. Attendees can anticipate the strong caliber lineup of stars and exhibitors that fans across the nation have come to expect.

For information on Austin Comic Con and other Wizard events, visit

Toronto Comic Con, Direct Energy Centre, March 26-28, 2010
Anaheim Comic Con, Anaheim Convention Center, April 16-18, 2010
Philadelphia Comic Con, Philadelphia Convention Center June 11-13, 2010
Chicago Comic Con, Donald E. Stephens (Rosemont) Convention Center, August 19-22, 2010
Big Apple Comic Con, Pier 94, October 7-10, 2010
Austin Comic Con, Austin Convention Center, November 12-14, 2010
New England Comic Con, TBD


Tuesday, December 8th, 2009

The Hero Initiative will be on site for Toronto Comic Con & Chicago Comic Con

(New York, NY) – The Hero Initiative and Wizard World Comic Con will partner in 2010 to maximize the reach to fans for this important comic industry charity organization, Gareb Shamus, CEO of New York-based Wizard Entertainment and producer of Wizard World Comic Con tour, announces today.

“It’s important to support The Hero Initiative since they support so many of the folks in our industry. Without this industry support many artists wouldn’t be able to keep producing the wonderful work we love,” said Shamus.

The Hero Initiative will have a booth at Toronto Comic Con and Chicago Comic Con in 2010 to raise awareness among fans of the importance of their continued industry support. They will also invite special comic book guests to sign at their booth to help increase donations for the organization and art auctions will be part of convention programming with proceeds going to The Hero Initiative.

“Being on location at Wizard World Comic Con events helps us reach many fans when they are in a place to understand their role in the industry, and how if you love something, you have the power and the obligation to support it, like our organization does,” said Christina Zietsma, Associate Development Director at The Hero Initiative. “Partnering with Wizard World on a larger scale, outside of only the convention appearances, is strategic move by the organization to maximize awareness and impact for The Hero Initiative.”

More programming and special guest details for The Hero Initiative at Wizard World Comic Con events will be announced soon.

The Hero Initiative is also selling tickets for all Wizard World 2010 Comic Con events with part of the proceeds going back to the charity. Go to to buy your tickets now for Toronto Comic Con, Anaheim Comic Con and Philadelphia Comic Con. More events will be added as they go on sale.

For more information on the Wizard World Comic Con tour, including show dates, locations and guests go to

About The Hero Initiative:
The Hero Initiative creates a financial safety net for comic creators who may need emergency medical aid, financial support for essentials of life, and an avenue back into paying work. Since inception, the Hero Initiative has been fortunate enough to benefit over 40 creators and their families with over $400,000 worth of much-needed aid, fueled by fan contributions. It’s a chance for all of us to give back something to the people who have given us so much enjoyment.

Pre PAX Seattle Prelude

Friday, September 4th, 2009

Check out these musings from our first night out in Seattle for the Penny Arcade Expo. Had a great time hanging at Gamewerks, they have great beer and lots of cool arcade games. This video was shot about 2 am Seattle time after wrecking some games of pool at the the Tap House (yes it’s like a 1000 taps). Was good metting up with Gamette StarSlay3r to chat a bit, along with WCG’s Prodigy Robert Paz.

The video pretty much says it all, but we have more updates coming as we experience day 1 of the PAX Gaming Con.

-BG Crew


Thursday, August 13th, 2009


(Press Release) – The organizers of the sixth annual PAX gaming festival today revealed the ultimate in gamer-oriented content: the PAX 2009 schedule of programming. Expected to sell out of attendee badges, the show will be held Sept. 4-6 at the Washington State Convention and Trade Center in downtown Seattle. PAX 2009 will offer attendees an unbelievable line-up of over 43 hours of content over three days, featuring a plethora of tournaments, freeplay areas, geek movies, nerdcore concerts and panels by industry leaders on gamer lifestyle, challenges, education and careers.

PAX 2009 top draws include:
Keynote address by industry legend Ron Gilbert
The first public US demonstration of LucasArts’ Star Wars: The Old Republic and Ubisoft’s Splinter Cell Conviction and Assassin’s Creed® II
The annual Roosterteeth “Red vs. Blue” panel
The ever-popular “Pitch Your Game Idea” session
“I’ve Just Been F#$%ing Fired: How to Get Back into the Industry on Your Own Terms through Mobile Game Development”
“Wil Wheaton presents: THE AWESOME HOUR!!1″

PAX organizers also reminded procrastinators that “mailed” pre-registration will close this Saturday. Only those attendees who register at by Aug. 15 will receive their pre-printed badges in advance of this year’s show. After that date, pre-registered attendees must pick up their badges at the registration booths beginning the Thursday before PAX, Sept. 3.

About PAX: PAX is a three-day celebration of games and gamer culture. The festival includes an exhibition floor filled with playable builds of upcoming tabletop, console, and computer games; a conference program of game industry speakers; music concerts; freeplay areas; industry parties; game tournaments and more. Since its inception in 2004 the show has doubled in size year-over-year, growing from 4,500 attendees to 58,500 in 2008, making it the largest gaming festival in North America. For more information, visit

About Penny Arcade: Equal parts online comic and commentary, Penny Arcade ( keeps its finger on the pulse of the gaming industry, prompting conversation and controversy alike from community members and industry experts. What started as a hobby in 1998 for Jerry “Tycho” Holkins and Mike “Gabe” Krahulik has grown into an online phenomenon serving over 70 million page views a month to millions of readers worldwide. In addition to the comic strip and PAX, Penny Arcade has expanded its reach to include a growing line of merchandise, a video game and management of Child’s Play (, a gamer-driven charity for children that spans the globe.

EA’s promises booty with their “Sin to Win” contest

Monday, July 27th, 2009


Electronic Arts had quite an interesting gimmick at this years San Diego Comic Con. They asked Comic-Con goers to participate in their “sin to win” contest which included a dinner, a sinful night with two hot girls, a limo service, paparazzi and a chest full of booty.

Game fans that wanted to enter would need to “commit acts of lust” by taking photos with the models working the Dante’s Inferno booth or any other booth babes at the show. Those photos would then need to be uploaded to Twitter, Facebook or emailed to Electronic Arts.

Making it even more sizzling, the contest details we emblazoned on the chest of a busty woman with faux tattoo.

Even though all presentation of this contest seems a bit on the ‘dodgey’ side (hey you are at, we like dodgey), the rules also stated that the judge’s reserved the right to disqualify any submissions that were “inappropriate for any reason, including without limitation, for depicting or mentioning sex, violence, drugs, alcohol and/or inappropriate language.”

Think of it more like a “Sin-Lite”.

Penty of attendees complained, and even EA has submitted a formal apology for this ‘risky business’.


We ‘were’ off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard….

Tuesday, January 13th, 2009
Predator by Terry Parr. See him and his work at Staple 09!

Predator by Terry Parr. See him and his work at Staple 09!

So with the economy in it’s current state, “The Powers That Be” have decided to pull one of the biggest comic conventions in Texas (and L.A., too). Wizard World Texas (and L.A.) will be postponed this year.

This sucks. Wizard World Texas always seemed to get the shaft with publicity and numbers. It wasn’t because there are a small amount of fans here… not at all. It just seemed like the season for comic conventions was already wound down by the time WizWorld Texas came around. As a result, the bigger companies like Marvel and DC had not been coming and this past year hardly ANY comic companies opened an exhibitor booth. They primarily relied on Artist Alley and private sellers with a few indie exhibitors. Coupled with Diamond’s new distribution policies to small indie shops, this may not bode well for the indie comic creator and indie comic lover.

So what is a Texas comic geek like myself to do? Why, find alternate routes of fun, of course. Wizard may have really messed up. Instead of giving me one big con to look forward to, I think I may frequent a few. A quick search online pulls up the following:

Dallas Comic Con (Richardson Texas, Jan 24-25)
JMV Comic Show (Austin Texas, Jan 25th)
JMV Comc Show (Killeen Texas, Feb 22nd)
Fear Fest (Dallas TX, March 13-15)
All-Con (Addison TX, March 13-15)
Screw Attack Gaming Con (Dallas Tx, July 3-5)

And don’t forget STAPLE! (Austin Tx, March 7th), where we will actually be among the exhibitors!

Happy conventions, everyone.

-T. Danger
