Posts Tagged ‘Gamette of the Year 2010’

Enough is enough

Monday, January 17th, 2011

I typically reserve this face for when I've had too much to drink but today, I'm making it when I read the comments and emails.

For the site, today should have been about congratulating the Gamettes who took time out of their busy schedules to promote themselves for our Gamette of the Year contest. It should have been about congratulating Jade and Katrina for their efforts and for thanking them for the photos they shared with us. Instead, it marks two firsts for me.

It will be the first time I’ve ever disallowed comments on a post as well as the first time ever that I will not be replying to emails sent to myself and the site.

We’ve been overwhelmed by the support and enthusiasm we’ve seen from the fans of the Gamettes in this year’s contest. It’s amazing how many of you took the time to show the ladies some love by stopping by the page, voting, and/or using the various social networks at your disposal to promote them. We’ve seen links coming from just about everywhere and you’ve proven that there truly is a world wide web when it comes to just how far away you can be and still show your support.

All of that being said, however, we’ve determined that the best course at this time is to disallow comments on the announcement post and just let the announcement stand on its own. For one thing, some of them were getting a little personal and for another, they were getting completely off the topic of congratulating the ladies. We’re all for free speech but we’re not going to sit by and condone verbal attacks on others by allowing them to continue.

What can I say about the emails, though? Some of our readers took the contest a little too personally. I’m not saying that’s necessarily a bad thing but we’re talking about some serious hate mail here and I’m no stranger to hate mail. We’re not the most sensitive bunch on the planet here at BusyGamer but the sheer amount of these types of emails this time around is a bit surprising. For those of you who are writing in to congratulate the girls, I’ll make certain your kudos are passed on but I’ll be sending most of these emails straight to the trash.

It isn’t because I don’t want to address the issues you’re all writing about. I can assure you we’ve considered all of the factors in regards to the voting this year and I appreciate the advice on how to conduct the contest but in all honesty, the final decision on how the contest runs is up to us. We don’t owe anyone an explanation about how it’s run. Some of you think it’s a glorified popularity contest and you wouldn’t be completely wrong. But it’s how we chose to run it and yeah, we’re going to deal with the fallout. I’m not, however, going to let the fallout from our choices be taken out on the Gamettes.

This seems somehow appropriate...

As I said, I’m no stranger to the hate mail. I’ve had complaints about the types of girls we choose to feature, the fact that some of the girls aren’t even “gamers??? despite the fact that the website has “gamer??? right there in the URL, or even about our drinking habits. So let’s just address some of those concerns in bulk.

First off, we don’t randomly choose the ladies. They come to us and express an interest in being a Gamette. We verify they’re involved with some aspect of geek subculture and work with them at their convenience. If our roster is full for the year, we ask their patience and see if they’d be interested in being a Gamette at a later date. We love to talk to the geeky women out there and we love to share their sexy geekiness with our readers. In the end, however, they determine the amount of time they want to invest in and with us. We promote any events they may be associated with, ask our readers to show them support in any undertaking they are involved in, and promote the women in general.

Are the Gamettes a marketing ploy? You’re damn right they are. We’re well aware that some of our readers visit only to see who the latest Gamette is and if/when an existing Gamette puts up a new pictorial. We’re well aware that some of our readers could care less what we have to say and just want to see the next sexy lady who has chosen to be a Gamette.

Our interviews with them aren’t exactly something we do with a straight face. We ask weird questions and they answer however they want. In the entire three years we’ve been doing this site, we’ve seen maybe a grand total of ten questions go unanswered. If that doesn’t show patience and humility on the part of the ladies, I don’t know what does.

As for the fact that some of the women aren’t “gamers???? I’d invite some of you to sit in on a few conversations with the Reckon Crew. We’re passionate about a lot of nerdy things, not just video games. We’re passionate about music, comic books, SciFi movies and shows, women, and going to conventions just to mention a few. We don’t confine ourselves to one small aspect of the geek subculture, we enjoy it all. Why wouldn’t the women who choose to represent us reflect that passion? Why would we ask them to limit themselves to only talking about video games when they mention us in the same sentence?

Then there’s the behavior of our core group, the Reckon Crew. We drink hard, we talk shit to people we’re friends with, and we’re generally the last ones to leave when there’s booze involved. Do we encourage this behavior in others? No. Will we try to talk you into drinking with us? Oh, yeah. Unless you’ve said right up front that you don’t drink or condone drinking, we’re going to buy you a drink when you sit down with us at the bar. Does that make us bad people? Maybe, but we’d like to think we’re just enjoying ourselves without doing so at the expense of others.

We’ve been called assholes. We’ve been called jerks. We’ve even been called pimps and it wasn’t meant as a compliment. At the end of the day, though, we’re still the same group of guys who sat down and decided to write about things we were interested in and see if there were ladies out there who might be interested in the same things. We’ve always suspected they were out there and we’ve been overjoyed to find out that not only are they out there but that they wanted to be recognized for their nerdcore beliefs.

It all boils down to this… you don’t have to agree with the way we do things, you don’t even have to like them or us. You can rant and rave at us all you want, we’re used to it. Hold a grudge against us, throw a beer bottle the next time you see us, whatever you want to do. We’ll still be here tomorrow. But when it comes to the Gamettes, they’re here because they want to be. I won’t let this site become a venue for belittling the women for their interest in a culture that is typically male driven.

So instead of a picture of a pretty girl gracing our front page, you get a picture of my ugly mug. I figure that even if my words aren’t enough to make my point, maybe that particular image will. Don’t worry, though. Once we’re certain our point is clear, we’ll get back to our regularly scheduled awesomeness.

Gritskrieg – End of Line

If you’d like us to pass on some praise or congratulations to the ladies, you can email us at and we’ll be happy to forward your email on. Derogatory or inflammatory emails will be printed out and used to line a bird cage.

Gamette of the Year 2010: And our winner is…

Monday, January 17th, 2011

Jade - Gamette of the Year 2010

It’s been three years since the launch of our site and we’ve announced two Gamettes as our Gamette of the Year and now, once again, it’s time to do it for the past year, 2010.

We saw a lot of you coming to the site and supporting your favorite Gamette and we’d like to thank all of you for showing some geek love during the past month. We’d also like to take the time to thank each and every one of the girls for their good sportsmanship and the support they showed one another. We’re lucky to have met each and every one of you and it’s been a real pleasure working with you all.

Without further ado, however, I’d like to introduce you to our Gamette of the Year 2010, Jade!

Jade was our November Gamette as well as one of the final contenders to be on WCG’s Ultimate Gamer on the SyFy channel and is one of the many talented and beautiful ladies from Charisma +2. Hailing from Georgia, the lovely Jade is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to games like Black Ops and Halo: Reach and we have no doubt that when the third season of Ultimate Gamer rolls around, she’ll be back to show up the competition.

And while we still have your attention…

Katrina Hill - Our 1st and very awesome runner up!

The end of the contest saw some of the most frantic voting throughout the entire event and we’d be remiss if we didn’t show recognition to Katrina Hill, aka Action Flick Chick, and the rally she put together over the past week. Katrina is not the type of girl to sit through a “chick flick”. She’d rather see Bruce Willis at his worst, shooting up the set, than watch a romantic comedy. If you haven’t been to her site to be kicked in the ass, we’d highly recommend it.

We can’t say enough about our lovely Gamettes. They’re all beautiful women who have taken the time to share their geeky sides with us and show us that the world of nerd isn’t just for boys any more. Each of the ladies deserve to be recognized and it is our humble pleasure to introduce them all to you. If you haven’t said thank you to the nearest geek girl in your life, you should take the time to do so now.

Thank you all for visiting and supporting the ladies and another big thank you to the Gamettes for their participation and the time they took out of their busy schedules to be a part of our site.

Stay tuned. We’ve got more in store for our loyal readers.

Gritskrieg – End of Line

Read Jade’s complete interview & pictorial with BusyGamer.

Read Katrina Hill’s complete interview & pictorial with BusyGamer.

Tomorrow (Saturday) will be your LAST CHANCE!

Friday, January 14th, 2011

Elly, our first Gamette and Gamette of the Year 2008

It’s almost that time again. The polls for our Gamette of the Year 2010 contest will be closing tomorrow night at midnight CST. That means if you don’t take the chance to vote now, you’re not going to be counted among all the loyal fans and supporters that have been showing love for their favorite Gamette of this past year. That would make us sad because it would mean you’re a horrible person that no one loves and you don’t want that, do you?

Once the polls close, the tallies will be verified, finalized, re-tallied, and we’ll post up the results and announce our Gamette of the Year on Monday, January 16th. That’s this coming Monday for those of you with an innate fear of calendars and/or day planners.

We’ve seen an amazing response from the supporters of the lovely ladies and I have a feeling that the race will be right up until the end. We’d like to thank everyone who took the time to show their support for this contest and the ladies involved and we look forward to bringing you more geeky/nerdy girls this year.

Again, if you haven’t voted, take the couple of minutes necessary to cast your vote. There’s no sign in required so you can click and go. Just don’t try to tip the scales all on your lonesome. It makes us grouchy and you wouldn’t want to see us grouchy.

Check us out again on Monday when we announce our winner of the Gamette of the Year 2010 contest!

Gritskrieg – End of Line

It’s the Last Week to Vote for your Favorite Gamette

Friday, January 7th, 2011

Hailey Bright - Our 2009 Gamette of the Year

There is now one week before we crown our Gamette of the Year 2010 and we’d like to take the time to thank all of the people who have voted for their favorite Gamette. We’ve been very impressed with the amount of support people have been showing this year and the rallies that have came about on a daily basis for each of the ladies. You guys flat out rock and the Gamettes should consider themselves lucky for having you as friends and as fans.

If you haven’t taken the time to vote, go and show you support for your favorite lady. Each and every one of them works hard at their geek cred and deserves to be recognized for it. They might not all be hardcore gamers but each and every girl we feature is a nerd at heart and involved in some facet of the geek subculture. Yes, pretty girls play video games but they also avidly read comics, love action movies instead of chick flicks, and some would even prefer a day at the Con over night out with dinner and a movie.

If you’re visiting us for the first time, we’d invite you to take a look at the ladies and their interests. While we’re just a few guys who hang out and like to talk geeky, these ladies are taking the time to get their hands dorky for the sake of something they enjoy. The Gamette of the Year contest is just our humble way of trying to recognize all of them for their interests and congratulate them for showing the boys that some girls like it nerdy.

We might only crown one lovely lady as our Gamette of the Year but they’re all worthy of respect and should be recognized for being able to kick your ass in their geek venue of choice. They take time out of their busy schedules to do photo shoots to show that geeky isn’t something only the boys can do well.

Plus, they’re drop dead gorgeous so even if you don’t understand what they’re talking about when they quote a comic book or a movie because you’ve been too busy playing video games since you were a kid to experience more than one facet of the geek subculture, you can still appreciate that.

Just don’t forget they’re nerds, just like we are.

Gritskrieg – End of Line

Gamette of the Year 2010! Let the voting begin!

Wednesday, December 15th, 2010

The gorgeous Hailey Bright, Gamette of the Year '09

That time of year has rolled around once again. While you’re out shopping for stupid things like gifts for your family, we here at Busy Gamer are hard at work making certain another year of lovely geek ladies is all lined up for our readers. We’re also setting up our Annual Busy Gamer Gamette of the Year contest.

We’ve seen a lot of lovely nerd girls grace our site this year and it’s time to see who our readers want to represent the Gamettes for 2011. We’re certain you all have your favorites and now it’s time to show it. It’s hard to believe we’ll be crowning our third lovely lady this year and we’re going to give you the chance to be a part of it.

The rules and contest length will be a bit different from the previous two years. To begin, the contest will run from 12:01AM CST December 15th, 2010 till 11:59PM CST January 15th, 2011. And this time out, we won’t be limiting our readers to one vote for the entire contest… you’ll be able to vote for your favorite lovely lady once a week, every week for the entire length of the contest.

We’ll still be reviewing the votes for anything hinky so don’t go getting any ideas about how you might rig the contest for your favorite Gamette. If we learned anything from Red Dead Redemption, it was how to keep it honest. Fortunately for our readers (and most likely ourselves), we haven’t been able to procure a six shooter. We applaud your enthusiasm but by keeping the contest honest, we’ll applaud your enthusiasm *and* your honesty.

The list this year is a bit shorter than in years’ past and some of you have mentioned it. Unfortunately, we had scheduling conflicts and a number of false starts on our part over the past year. Don’t worry, though… we’ll be making up for it in the coming year and we know you’ll be able to forgive us once we do. As always, we’ll be looking high and low for the ladies who love us and all the things that make us geeks.

For now, however, take a few minutes to make your voice heard by heading over to the voting site and casting a vote for one of our lovely, nerdy, geeky Gamettes.

Gritskrieg – End of Line
