Posts Tagged ‘Gamettes’

Gamette Hailey Bright lands in Lallywood!

Thursday, March 4th, 2010

Looks like our Gamette of the Year Hailey Bright found her way into Lallywood, a new comedy web series hosted by none other than Ken Lally of television’s Heroes, CSI Miami, Alias, and voice actor of Resident Evil 5. This awesome webisode 2, called ‘Hot Girls Who Game’ has Hailey and Ken talking nerd stuff in Hollywood, including Hailey’s favorite games, what she likes in men, some game voice acting she’s currently involved in, and she even turns the tables and pops a few questions off at Ken.

Take some time after watching this and visit Hailey over at, and be sure to keep up with her in the awesome Twitterverse.

Hailey Bright’s Official Gamette Profile

The Gamettes of 2010

Friday, January 15th, 2010

We wrapped up our annual Gamette of the Year event last month and it is now quickly approaching the time where we will welcome our latest additions to the site. As such, we’ve decided to be generous and share our top Gamette submissions for 2010 with our readers. One of the most difficult jobs here at is sorting through all the beautiful and well qualified applicants we review as the year progresses and only choose a handful of the ladies to represent the site and be named an ‘Official Gamette’.

As we plunge headlong into our third year of celebrating the greatness of women in the nerd world, we present to you a brief preview of some of the ladies that our staff at BG has chosen to carry on the torch of ‘Beauty and the Geek’ for 2010. Enjoy.

Gold Spandex! Hello to Leia, Gamette for May!

Tuesday, May 5th, 2009

Leia, our Gamette of the Month for May.

Leia, our Gamette of the Month for May.

We at are glad to bring you another installment of our “Gamette of the Month” feature which we know you all are familiar with. This month we present to you Leia. And any geek out there who runs across a gamer girl named ‘Leia’, will most definately get their attention sparked, ours did anyhow.

Leia comes to us from California (dang we <3 our Cali girls!) and is a hairdresser, gamer, technerd, and hell raiser. Check out what she had to say about her well known 'geekdom' with us here at BG headquarters. And don't forget to go and view the rest of her photo shoot here, sporting our new Busy Gamer ‘Man’s Ruin’ Tee by Illustrator John Lara of

What is your favorite guilty geeky pleasure?
Schooling men folk on gaming or nerd lore. Why yes, I do indeed have a natorious VAG and yes, I can beat you in Halo.

What is your most infamous geek moment?
Getting grounded for mocking my brother mercilessly when, I’m sorry who just saved the princess? that’s right…..

What is your favorite portable gadget?
My phone, I’m a texting fiend. I’d cry for more than one reason if my finger was broken.

What is your favorite game?
Kingdom Hearts. I balled my eyes out at the end of that game, and was the first and only girl at the midnight release of the KH2. I know Kiara’s letter by heart….GAWD I’m a nerd!

Do you observe “Talk like a Pirate??? Day?
I kicked it up a notch and also pillaged and drank like a pirate…I can’t help it, it’s who I am…..

Are you Strong in the Force or is Fluent in Klingon more your style?
I am very strong in the force, and can kill plant life when upset.

Do you blog? If so, would you want your parents to read it?
I blog all the time! it’s my favorite sport and I think my mother knows better and /or could care less cuz if I’m not blogging about nerdy crap, I’m blogging about relationships and sex. It’s like if Carrie from Sex in the City was a nerd.

What is your favorite geeky movie/tv quote?
“I’m not a witch, I’m your wife!??? – The Princess Bride

Read more about Leia, our Gamette of the Month for May!
