Posts Tagged ‘Google’

Near 100% of Android phones have a hole, and it isn’t a good hole.

Thursday, May 19th, 2011

Yarr, I hope someone did'nt loot my info...dammit.

(Game Politics) – A new report claims that around 99.7 percent of phones using Google’s mobile operating system contain a security hole that can enable hackers to send unencrypted personal data. Mobile devices using the Android operating systems have a weakness that could allow hackers to gain “full access” to private information such as calendar, contact information, and “private web albums,??? according to a research group from Germany’s University of Ulm. The security hole could also give hackers the ability to view, modify or delete contacts, calendar events, and private pictures. Thankfully, the security flaw only affects individual phones.

In a new research paper, researchers at the University of Ulm detailed the flaw, testing it for vulnerabilities. They found that some Android applications could transmit unencrypted data, allowing others to “eavesdrop” any of the transmitted information. Researchers were tested to see if they could hack into Android data using a simple third-party application. Apparently they found a lot of success in completing the exercise.

“We wanted to know if it is really possible to launch an impersonation attack against Google services and started our own analysis,??? researchers said. “The short answer is: Yes, it is possible, and it is quite easy to do so.???

The hack was tested on various versions of the Android operating system including 2.1, 2.2, 2.2.1, 2.3.3, 2.3.4 and 3.0. Phones used in the test included the Nexus One, HTC Desire, HTC Incredible S, and newly released tablet the Motorola XOOM.

Why we want (and need) the new Windows Phones to succeed

Tuesday, October 12th, 2010

One of LG's initial offerings to the WP7 launch

I’m willing to bet that most our visitors out there own either an iPhone or one of the various Android phones on the market.  I’m also willing to bet that you’re already a fan of one or the other and wouldn’t consider changing to the other end of the spectrum.  But those of you who have swapped between the devices might notice a trend.

When the iPhone launched, I think we can all agree it considerably upped the ante in the smartphone market.  The same thing happened when the first few iterations of the Android mobile phones launched.  The trend some of you might be seeing is that there’s been a leveling out of the innovations that were coming out so fast and furious in the beginning from Apple and Google.  After all, in the consumer market, it’s quickly becoming only the two of them duking it out and if you’ve ever had the opportunity to mess around on the iPhone and then immediately after had access to an Android phone, I think you’ll agree that the race to innovate has quickly become one of who can do existing features better.

They are, of course, the major players in the market.  Some would argue that Nokia’s Symbian stands a chance (and the numbers might support the argument) but with the market share Apple and Google have managed to grab up in such a very short amount of time, the trend appears to indicate otherwise.  They’ve made their points, lines have been drawn in the sand, and each has their staunch supporters.  Lately, however, the experience of the two operating systems have began to take on similarities.  That isn’t to say that each isn’t still moving in their own direction but that each tends to see something the other can do and decides to add the functionality without making too many changes.  A case of “monkey see, monkey do???, if you will.

It’s my firm hope, and belief, that with the launch of the Microsoft Windows Phones that we may be looking at a much needed change.

Many would argue that Microsoft missed their chance in the smart phone market but looking at the offerings that will be available on November 8th and the functionality they provide, it may be too early to count them out just yet.  Incorporating aspects of the Xbox Live experience, a music service that is getting a lot more attention and respect, and a solid hardware platform, Microsoft might not only be getting a second shot at the much coveted business in the smart phone market but offering new opportunities for users who are feeling as if they’ve “been there, done that???.

I, for one, am willing to forgive and forget the fiasco that was the Kin and see what Microsoft has up its sleeve when the phones begin to hit the market in November.  I just hope they don’t pull the same marketing “oops??? as they did with their last ill-fated offering.

Gritskrieg – End of Line

Google announces new innovations in Web TV

Thursday, May 20th, 2010

Google on your TV! Now if you get a recliner that's also a toilet, you'll never get up.

At a conference today, Google announced new “innovations” for Web content on your TV. Having teamed up with Sony, Intel, and Logitech to create the new technology that they hope will become the tool for adding web surfing to your nightly channel surfing. A demonstration was provided that was less than stellar until they convinced the audience of some 5000 to stop using the wi-fi connection in the conference room.

The idea of Web TV has always sounded good on paper… A means to incorporate web surfing into your viewing habits. The implementation, however, has come up lacking in each of the previous attempts. The inclusion of three hardware companies in the making of this rendition does give me some hope but will it be enough when the Web capable televisions go to market.

Based on any one of the hardware companies, I can’t imagine that the devices will be bargain priced. Google, however, would love to be able to belly up to the potential advertising revenue from such devices so perhaps we’ll see pricing go the route of gaming consoles where we’ve typically seen pricing well below production costs in order to push content which is priced more or less in the profitable range. Seeing Google’s profit reports from advertising last year ($26 million dollars) leads me to believe this might be the route they take.

Logitech will be the brains behind set top boxes for those of us who already have our nice televisions in place in order to be able to use the technology as well as remote control devices to make browsing easier. Sony will begin producing Blu-ray DVD players that work with the tech as well as teaming up with Intel to provide flat panel televisions with micro processors built in. And of course Google will be providing the Android OS to the project in addition to the Chrome browser.

If implemented correctly and using an OS that is more TV viewer friendly, I have no doubt a profit could be turned very easily. Make the device function with Netflix out of the box and you might even convince me that it’s a worthwhile purchase to go with all the other junk I watch on the web.

After all, perusing YouTube videos of Keyboard Cat on a large screen device should be enough to convince anyone.

Gritskrieg – End of Line

Google closing the door on China?

Tuesday, March 16th, 2010

Google may make good on its threat to leave China should the most recent negotiations with the government fall through

Anyone who may listen to the “Week in Geek” show I do each Friday morning would be able to tell you how often I mention the words “China” and “Google” each time the show airs.  The ongoing battle between China and its censorship guidelines and Google with their ongoing frustration in dealing with China’s empirical choke hold on what information is allowed through the web giant’s site makes for soap opera type drama.  And while I may make light of the situation, it is quickly becoming anything but a laughing matter.

Google continues to hold its ground in talks with China in regards to filtering (read “censoring”) search results through the site.  Recent months have seen the clashes between Google and China reach the point where Google has determined that it may be best to pull out of the China market rather than continue to attempt to comply with the restrictions put in place by the Chinese government.  And recent days have seen activity that may suggest that Google plans to make good on the threat.

While the retreat of Google from China may not mean much of an impact to the coffers of the search company, several burgeoning industries in China may be negatively impacted should the pullout come to fruition.  The Android based phone business may not be completely shut down by a lack of a local Google presence but it is certain that the devices would be severely limited in their functions as China restricts access to sites external to the country.  In addition, China Mobile Ltd., the largest phone company in China and perhaps the world, relies on the search giant for mobile searches and maps.

Analysts have described the withdraw of Google from China as a “lose-lose” scenario as the country would not see another company move in to take Google’s place but rather a vacuum.  And at a 35% share of the search market is a sizable vacuum.

Spokespersons for Google have stated that the company remains in negotiations with China and would not confirm that they would be withdrawing should those negotiations fail.

Gritskrieg – End of Line


Bing, fries are done…

Thursday, July 2nd, 2009
No, not that Bing...

No, not that Bing...

If you haven’t been paying attention or live deep underground, you may not know that Microsoft has a new search engine called Bing. You also may not know that Microsoft’s entry into the search engine fray is actually as an underdog, unusual territory for the software giant.

However, recent numbers show that Bing is gaining a market share of Web searches. In the grand scheme of things, it’s not a large share but when you consider how many people use search engines, any positive change in a market share of millions is a step in the right direction.

Data from Dublin based StatCounter shows that Microsoft’s Bing took 8.23 percent of U.S. web searches in June, up from the 7.81 percent market share Microsoft controlled prior to Bing’s rollout. Google, on the other hand, dropped from 78.72 percent prior to Bing’s launch to 78.48 percent. Yahoo also showed an increase from 10.99 to 11.04 percent.

While these numbers might not mean much to you and I, it does mean that Microsoft may be making some headway in the market. Good news for the giant considering they are currently losing money on their new search engine. If the trend continues, the gamble may just pay off for Microsoft in the long run.

Other data research firms are expected to release figure in mid-July which should either confirm or disprove the apparent trend.

Who would have thought Microsoft would ever be a David to anyone else’s Goliath?


Gritskrieg – End of Line

The T-Mobile G1, Definitely a [G]reat [1]!

Tuesday, December 16th, 2008


I thought it would take me a few days of playing with my new G1 before writing a review due to so many comments about it being too much technology for most to handle. But I got the phone just yesterday and already I feel completely comfortable with it! The device is VERY user-friendly, there have been no noticeable glitches or failures so far and it feels rather sturdy, even with it’s somewhat sliding form factor.

For a while, T-Mobile was really lacking on the technology end and the main attraction for the longest time was their Sidekick franchise. This drew a lot of consumers away from this provider and towards AT&T for its iPhone and Verizon for its usual mimics. But what the public didn’t know is that T-Mobile was using this valuable time to kick back and watch the rate at which other companies were advancing in their technical aspect; then it happened… I knew that Google was cooking up some ideas for a phone but little did I know that T-Mobile obtained the sale rights.

I heard about the idea about a year and a half ago then as the time of production came closer I learned that Google teamed up with a mobile software entity called Android. Which might I add is the best thing to happen to mobile devices EVER. Period. So yes, Android is an operating system for handsets, so what? It’s more than that. This phone features a “market” icon in the menu with the cute little Andriod logo. I click on it expecting a few free applications to spark my interest with the phone and instead I find multiple categories of applications including communication, entertainment, finance, shopping, travel, and so much more. This was great already but then I decide to scroll through the games section, and there’s tons of downloadable content there as well. I go crazy installing programs, games, little things here and there and I suddenly realize the best part… ALL OF THIS IS FREE. Sure, you’re paying $35 for unlimited internet and texting but EVERY other aspect of this phone’s capabilities are absolutely free. So the marketplace and endless usability of the phone more than make up for the pricey plan. What’s more, you’ll never pay for wallpaper, ringtones, or games again!

