Posts Tagged ‘Lone Star Comics’

The Geeks come out at night… Geek Prom Night

Monday, February 16th, 2009
Sure, we brought dates. They're, um, in the car and stuff.

Sure, we brought dates. They're, um, in the car and stuff.

Once upon a time, in a magical place known as “Lone Star Comics”, two members of the Reckon Crew went to the Geek Prom. Where else could they hear a beautiful girl talk about “rolling for initiative” on Valentine’s Day? Lacking Timothy Danger and his impressive drinking skills, Gritskrieg and Crutchboy had to “work” twice as hard to make sure no beer was left orphaned from its brethren. It’s a rough life being a member of the Reckon Crew.

Lone Star Comics, our generous host for the evening, provided the locale and the booze as well as several very nice items that were presented via a raffle drawing. And as the smell of love (think the aroma of beer and graphic novels) filled the air, we admired some very lovely ladies and listened to the musical stylings of Mr. Pixie and, later in the evening, the Dirty Birds, both of whom were very talented and set the perfect musical backdrop for a Geek Prom.

The lovely Amber Alert and the always classy Terry Parr

The lovely Amber Alert and the always classy Terry Parr

It was a magical night, if by magical you would say ”I cast Fireball at the goblins”, and the Geeks came out for the music, the company, the beer, and most importantly, to donate to the Hero Initiative. Connections were made, new friends were met, and the food and beverages were consumed. And no paper products were damaged during the party which I consider an impressive feat. Especially with my talent for spillage.

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank our gracious host, Lone Star Comics, for putting this shindig together.  It’s a pity Valentine’s Day only comes once a year because this is the kind of lovey dovey event the Reckon Crew can actually support… The kind with booze, a store full of comics and action figures, and some very good looking women.

Next year we might even bring dates.

Gritskrieg – End of Line

Too Geeky for the Prom? Not this one!

Friday, February 13th, 2009
Geeks need love, too

Geeks need love, too

You may have seen my semi-serious rant a few days ago about suffering through Valentine’s Day as a self proclaimed geek. You may have also noticed I mentioned that there was hope out there for us (yeah, I’m looking at you) in regards to dating. But what I didn’t mention is that the Reckon Crew will be spending Valentine’s Day in the geekiest fashion possible… hanging out in a comic book store.

You may want to take a moment to absorb that, I’ll allow it. Yes, the Reckon Crew will be hanging out in Dallas, TX at one of the largest comic book shops in Texas, Lone Star Comics. Once you wrap your mind around the sheer dork-itude of that statement, I’ll point out we won’t be the only ones.

No, Lone Star Comics,, and Bawls will be hosting the Geek Prom on Saturday, February 14th from 9:00 pm till midnight. For a mere five dollars per person, guests can be surrounded by comics while engaging in potential romance, enjoy free food and drink and listen to live music from The Dirty Birds and Pixie.

And not only do you have a shot at romance with someone at least as geeky as yourself but all of the proceeds from the event will be donated to the Hero Initiative, a not-for-profit organization that provides a financial safety net for comic creators. So you not only get to flirt with some geeks while browsing comics, eating, drinking, enjoying music, you’re also contributing to a worthy charity.  Sounds like a win-win situation in my book.

You’re already tempted, I can tell.  If all of that isn’t enough, you get to see the Reckon Crew there in all our glory. Okay, so we’ll also be handing out some swag but we’re all devilishly good looking. Tell us how hot we are and we might just buy you a free beer. That’s how much we <3 you.


Gritskrieg – End of Line

Dallas Comic Con gets Reck-rolled

Thursday, January 29th, 2009

Crutchboy & Artist Terry Parr

Crutchboy & Artist Terry Parr

On January 24th and 25th, 2009, the Busy Gamer Reckon Crew made a visit to the Richardson Civic Center to pay homage to the Dallas Comic Con. In typical Reckon Crew fashion, we arrived late, left early, and drank in between. But not before meeting and interviewing Thomas Jane of Punisher and The Mist fame and the very talented Terry Parr, artist and creator of Gemini Force. And somewhere during the chaos, we managed to admire the artwork of some of the very fine artists who attended the event.

No stranger to famous folk, the Dallas Comic Con has been gathering some of the most geek and fanboi worthy names in the business for the last eight years and 2009 was no exception to the rule. On hand for the event were James O’Barr, Tim Bradstreet, Cat Staggs, and Scott Harben, just to name a few. We wandered amongst the various artist tables, saying hello to some old favorites and learning the names of a few new ones.

James O'Barr - Dallas Comic Con 09

James O'Barr - Dallas Comic Con 09

Several vendors were on hand with merchandise to tempt our pocket books and none of the Reckon Crew escaped without at least a couple of purchases. And then there was the sweet, sweet swag to be had for those numbers who had made their way to the event. T-shirts and movie posters from The Punisher movies, My Sweet Valentine 3D, and the upcoming Coraline. There were even free comics if one was so inclined to grab a couple when making their way past the Lone Star Comics table.

It should, of course, be noted that the very lovely Amber Alert, one of our first Gamettes, was there to offset the Reckon Crew ugly with her good looks and gracious nature. She even suggested a locale for Saturday night’s festivities and managed to get Timothy Danger to dance, no small feat. Or perhaps, no small two left feat.

After everything was said and done, the beers were drank,  and some monstrous burritos had been consumed, the Reckon Crew left Dallas knowing that there was a new stop on our list of worthy events to visit when the next opportunity (August 29-30, in case you were curious) rolls around, the Dallas Comic Con.


Gritskrieg – End of Line
