Posts Tagged ‘Staple!’

We ‘were’ off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard….

Tuesday, January 13th, 2009
Predator by Terry Parr. See him and his work at Staple 09!

Predator by Terry Parr. See him and his work at Staple 09!

So with the economy in it’s current state, “The Powers That Be” have decided to pull one of the biggest comic conventions in Texas (and L.A., too). Wizard World Texas (and L.A.) will be postponed this year.

This sucks. Wizard World Texas always seemed to get the shaft with publicity and numbers. It wasn’t because there are a small amount of fans here… not at all. It just seemed like the season for comic conventions was already wound down by the time WizWorld Texas came around. As a result, the bigger companies like Marvel and DC had not been coming and this past year hardly ANY comic companies opened an exhibitor booth. They primarily relied on Artist Alley and private sellers with a few indie exhibitors. Coupled with Diamond’s new distribution policies to small indie shops, this may not bode well for the indie comic creator and indie comic lover.

So what is a Texas comic geek like myself to do? Why, find alternate routes of fun, of course. Wizard may have really messed up. Instead of giving me one big con to look forward to, I think I may frequent a few. A quick search online pulls up the following:

Dallas Comic Con (Richardson Texas, Jan 24-25)
JMV Comic Show (Austin Texas, Jan 25th)
JMV Comc Show (Killeen Texas, Feb 22nd)
Fear Fest (Dallas TX, March 13-15)
All-Con (Addison TX, March 13-15)
Screw Attack Gaming Con (Dallas Tx, July 3-5)

And don’t forget STAPLE! (Austin Tx, March 7th), where we will actually be among the exhibitors!

Happy conventions, everyone.

-T. Danger
