Archive for the ‘ViggotheCarp’ Category

The Wii on the Way Out & Another to Take Its Place?

Monday, April 18th, 2011

Over the last week, the Wii has been rumored to be heading on its way off the market. With all of the major first-party titles released on the Wii, this wouldn’t shock me. What shocks me is how quickly it might be moving out. Could Project Cafe be here by the holiday 2011 or early 2012?

Last week according to CVG, a trusted source has said that Nintendo will cut the price of the Wii to May 15. With this announcement, Best Buy responded online by lowering the price temporarily to $169.99.Of course, Nintendo dodged the question when Nintendo of America’s President Reggie Fils-Aime replied to a few questions from CVG:


Battlefield Play4Free Officially Released

Monday, April 4th, 2011

Battlefield Play 4 Free

Starting its press beta just a month back, this more realistic version of Battlefield Heroes has been officially released to the public. No open beta, but the game is fully released today.

This browser-based FPS doesn’t cost anything to play, but you can purchase in-game items to improve your game experience. Announced about this time last year, the title will receive many updates over the course of time as long as people continue to play the game.

Enough delay, check out the official release trailer below and get to playing:

TGS Still Alive And Kicking

Tuesday, March 29th, 2011

Tokyo Game Show still a go!

After the 9.0 earthquake with following tsunami, Japan has been hit with the worst natural disaster in its recorded history. Rumors have popped up saying that the Tokyo Game Show will be cancelled, but according to the CESA all these rumors are false:

Currently, we are not thinking of canceling or making the show smaller.

That doesn’t mean plans won’t change in the future, though.

Depending on the situation from here on out, it is possible that the show is reduced.

According to these quotes received by Kotaku Japan, the CESA doesn’t see any change coming for the fall gaming conference that wasn’t expected. Last TGS, many American video game journalists have deemed TGS an unnecessary gaming conference. Hopefully, this year’s conference will prove that we were wrong.

Need a Portable Recharge for your 3DS?

Monday, March 28th, 2011

Wanna look like a nerd from the 80's but have a 3DS?

From, this wristband contains a 1500 mAh lithium ion battery. Using four LED lights, the LEDs show you how much battery is left. Weighing an 82 grams, the wristband is very portable and cool looking for your nerdy friends.

If I were ever to pick up a 3DS, I would definitely buy this. In order to ‘increase your portable gameplay time’ for $35, I think this wristband would be worth it if it gains at least two hours.

Available for the iPhone, Nokia II (2mm) and I (3.5mm) phones, Mini USB, LG phones, Samsung i900, Sony Ericsson phones, Sony PSP, DS Lite & DSi: you have plenty of portable phones and gaming devices to use this with. Check ThinkGeek for the Universal Gadget Wrist Charger.

One of the best parts of road trips is quality time playing our favorite handheld games. (This is, of course, why you insist someone else drives the vehicle.) But the problem with long road trips is that you often exhaust the battery life of your gaming system before the point on the road trip where you really, really need it. Of course, we’re talking about mile 150 of 300, where the guy riding shotgun starts in on a political diatribe and the person sitting next to you begins to have intestinal upset from the food recently delivered through the driver’s side window. Where’s Mario now? Oh yeah, he’s dead until you can find an outlet. Are we there yet?

The Wrist Charger, or as we like to call it, Bracer of Battery Life +2, straps comfortably to your wrist and plugs in to just about any electronic device you like. It’ll power cell phones, mp3 players, gaming systems, or any device compatible with mini USB. Now you’ll have plenty of power to get through long days traveling (or long lines at the DMV, we’ve been there, too!). When you reach your destination, simply plug your bracer in and charge its battery back up so you’re ready with plenty of entertainment for the long trip home.

Arkham City Paints A Release Date

Tuesday, March 15th, 2011

During PAX East this weekend, the release date was officially announced for the hyped Rocksteady Batman title. First posted on Eurogamer announcing the release date for Europe: October 21st. Later on, Joystiq announced the dates for North America and Australia: October 18th and October 19th.

Yesterday, VG247 released some concept art for Arkham City. Featuring, of course, the Caped Crusader and Harley Quin; the art shows how dark they are aiming for the game to be. With Arkham Asylum being such a hit, expect the same or more batty fun in this fall release.

Batman: Arkham City is due out on the PS3, Xbox 360 & PC. Look for more announcements about the game come E3. Check out the concept art below:

OnLive Becoming Netflix of Games

Wednesday, January 5th, 2011

OnLive: The 'Netflix' of Video Games

As Netflix released what seems to be an unlimited access to streaming films through your entertainment systems, OnLive wants to stream an infinite ammount of games through your TVs and other entertainment devices. Currently, the only way to access the cloud gaming service is through their micro-console, a PC or a Mac. OnLive wants to spread their demographic to those purchasing new TVs and Blu-Ray players just as Netflix and Pandora music service has done within the last two years. According to Gamasutra, this is becoming a reality according to their interview with OnLive CEO Steve Perlman:

Today’s OnLive/VIZIO announcement marks a major milestone: for the first time in the history of video games, consumers will be able to enjoy premium video games directly on a TV, no console or computer needed.

How will this affect the future of the gaming market? According to what we have seen comparing to Netflix, OnLive won’t support new titles but will enable gamers to catch on year-old games that they never played for dirt cheap. For unlimited access to their streaming service for only $9.99 per month , OnLive, a service that appeared as the industries biggest joke when revealed last year, looks to possibly become the most popular streaming service for the video game industry.

With OnLive joining Vizio for development of their OnLive TVs, this will shake the entertainment industry in a way that Microsoft and Sony have not even begun to contemplate. The only question is: will OnLive get exclusive titles on their streaming service? It will most likely be up to the developer or publisher of thus exclusive titles just like what Bioware and EA did for Mass Effect 2 when they moved the Xbox 360′s most successful RPG over to the Playstation 3. What do you all think of OnLive’s development move into the Blu-Ray and TV market? Will this bring the number of casual sales down in the main console market or will it drive those gamers to eventually get these consoles?

Lego Black Ops

Tuesday, December 14th, 2010

Target down!

No Activision is not working on another edition of the side-scroller platforming series in Treyarch’s new version of the Call of Duty franchise, but YouTube user Keshen8 created a stop-motion title with Legos depicting a FFA match in Black Ops. In a short ninety-eight second video, every weapon type has been included even a comedic moment where a janitor uses a paintball gun. The video was released just yesterday and has already reached over thirty-three thousand views.

Keshen8 has over fifty thousand subscribers and has over eighteen million hits on the Tubes. His most popular video is a trailer for The Dark Knight with Legos.

Gears of War 3 Delayed to Fall 2011

Tuesday, October 5th, 2010

Last week, Epic Games and Microsoft Game Studios announced that the end of the Gears trilogy was to be delayed from the spring of next year to the holiday season. While this decision has been called a ‘business’ move, the question obviously appears; Why? Why would Gears of War 3 first be coming out during the spring instead of the fall as the previous titles in the franchise have arrived during the holiday season for the Xbox 360? Was there a major unannounced title that has been canceled? Unfortunately, there is no ‘real’ answer for the public at this time other than this short quote from a Microsoft spokesman: “Gears of War 3 promises to be the biggest entertainment launch of 2011. The teams at Microsoft Game Studios and Epic Games have done great work thus far readying the title for release in the Spring of 2011. However, we’ve elected to move the launch of Gears of War 3 until Fall 2011 to make it the marquee title for the holiday season.”

The real question now is when will Gears 3 be released. Both Gears of War 1 and Gears of War 2 were released on November 7th of their respective release years. The likely answer is that it will release November 7th, 2010. After Gears 3, it seemed like the series will be ending but this isn’t true. In February 2009, Greg Miller of IGN caught a quote from Gears writer Joshua Ortega talking about a prequel to Emergence Day. ”You will not be disappointed in the next ten years. It’s a ten-year plan. Gears is long-term. The lancer is the new lightsaber.” Let’s just hope that Gears doesn’t turn into the next ‘Star Wars video game franchise’. Star Wars: Masters of Teräs Käsi, Gears style? No thank you!

Medal of Honor: I’ll Be Home Soon

Thursday, May 6th, 2010

Bringing in the Tears

With American soldiers spread across the world in different conflicts, families back home worry for their men (or women) in arms. EA is trying to punch people’s emotions with this latest teaser entitled Leave a Message. A father calls his family back home as he gets the voicemail. He leaves a dramatic and caring message while a video rolls of troops getting dropped into live combat.

Due out in October, Medal of Honor looks to be a revival of the franchise in a present and fictional Middle East. With Black Ops getting released a month later, this fall looks to be as full as every other year. Watch the teaser below!

Within Our Reach

Monday, May 3rd, 2010

Red vs Blue Redefined

Its within a week now that the Halo Reach Beta will be hitting the masses. On the 27th, gamers with Halo Reach Beta codes can start playing over Xbox Live in all the new different modes. May 3rd is the day that everyone else is going to be green-lit for beta access.

While you wait, why not torture ourselves by watching teasers? In preparation for the release of the beta, Bungie has released a ViDoc and a live-action trailer.

The ViDoc, entitled Carnàge Carnivàle, teases all elements of the beta hyping all Bungie fanboys via BuTube. Describing the exact appetite of the hardcore gamer, Luke Smith calls the campaign of any game the preparation of the table while the multiplayer is your meal.
