There can be very little doubt that for the average gamer, time is a commodity. Between finding time for a job, family, and/or a social life, most of us just wish we had more. More time to play online with our friends or more time to play that new RPG that just hit the shelves. So we try to pay attention to the ratings we see online or in magazines and stick with the highest rated games or the ones that really catch our attention. But the websites and magazines rate games on how pretty they are or how well they run. If only there was someone who rated games based on the time we had to invest to get the most fun out of them.

That’s where comes in.

We feel your pain. We know the anguish of discovering thirty minutes into a brand new game that we’re just not going to have the time to spend to fully enjoy it. So we’ve come up with a brand new rating system based on several factors. The most important of those factors is how much time you have to spend on a game to get your money’s worth.

“Wasting our time so you don’t have to.???

We’re not saying we’re wasting our time so you can’t waste it for us. It’s our goal to ensure that the ratings we put up will educate you on the games you can play with a minimum amount of time or hassle with maximum return on your investment. We’re wasting our time on the long, the boring, the outright obnoxious games to try and save you time and money before you drop sixty dollars on a game you’re not going to have the time to enjoy.

So don’t be confused by the rating system below. That shiny new game might be the prettiest game to have ever hit consoles or PCs but if it’s going to take a sizeable commitment of your time to enjoy it, we’re going to give it a low rating. If a game has gorgeous graphics, we’ll say so in the body of our reviews. The body of the reviews will even let you know how much fun you can have if you decide you only want to play this one game. But the scores are meant to be a reflection of the time and money invested versus the entertainment return.

All that being said, let’s move on to the breakdown of our [scoring system].
